Friday, 5 September 2014

Mabes Polri pecat 72 polisi, 39 di antaranya kasus narkoba

Polri mencatat bukan hanya pada kasus AKBP Idha Endri Prastino dan Bripka MH Harahap saja, polisi yang tersandung kasus narkoba. Tercatat dari 2012 sampai 2014, sejumlah anggota polisi pun pernah dipecat karena kasus serupa.

"Ada 317 kasus dan 72 orang di antaranya telah dilakukan Pemberhentian Tidak Hormat (PTDH). Dari 72 orang yang telah diberhentikan atau dipecat, diketahui 39 di antaranya terlibat kasus narkoba," kata Karo Penmas Polri Brigjen Pol Boy Rafli Amar di Kejaksaan Agung, Kamis (4/9).

Selain kasus narkoba, polisi lainnya dipecat karena terlibat dalam kasus asusila dan tindak pidana desersi.

"Mereka yang di PTDH biasanya sudah pernah terlibat kasus lain sehingga memberatkannya atau pernah menjadi terpidana," kata Boy.

Mekanisme PTDH menurut Boy, tidak dapat dilakukan sembarangan karena ada tahapan dan mekanisme yang harus ditempuh. Oknum yang terlibat kejahatan harus menjalani sidang kode etik, dan menjalankan proses hukum pidana, hingga akhirnya sidang kode etik memutuskan yang bersangkutan tidak bisa lagi menjalani profesinya sebagai anggota Polri.

"Mekanisme yang akan menentukan dia dapat diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat adalah atasan bukan pimpinan sidang," tegas Boy.

How To Fix A Slow Smartphone — For Real

This is a quick tip post to help you fix an android phone which is running slow. Now I’ve got a good smartphone (an LG-P999), but run a lot of applications on it.  Even though I put most of the apps on the SD Card, my android phone still runs slow. So I tried about 10 apps in the Google Play Store to fix the problem but they didn’t help all that much. Then I figured out how to manually clean up the data in my phone and it fixed the problem!

Clear Your Application Data

To stop your phone from running slow go to: Manage Apps »> Downloaded »> Sort By Size then click on the top app and you’ll see this:
2013-02-17 10.26.30
What you want to do is click the Clear Data button.  If you just click Clear Cache there will still be a lot of data still on the app to slow down your phone. Do this for all your apps that are 1MB or more in size.
Heads-up: Before you use the Clear Data option make sure you back up any data you might need. You’ll also have to login again to your apps. Finally, doing this with Gmail will erase your email signature.
If you use your phone a lot do this about every 3 – 5 days. For me, I just know when the phone is running slowing it’s time to dump data. After you do this you may even see your phones internet speed pick up. What’s really happening is your phone is processing things faster.

Move Data To SD Card

To improve your phone’s performance even more move as many apps as possible to your SD Card. The SD Card has more memory than your phone’s internal memory. Plus, freeing up internal memory on your phone allows the processor to work faster.  Just click the Move to SD Card button which is located in the same location you were at for removing application data.
Lastly, you should reboot your phone after completing these two tasks. For optimal performance you should reboot your phone every day.
Please let me know if these tips helped speed up your phone by leaving comments below. Thanks.

5 Ways To Speed Up Your Smartphone

How many times did you use your smartphone today? 50, 75, more? We do everything on them: Text, Chat, Take Pics, Web Search, Video Chat, and more. So why do you tolerate the dreaded ”hang” or “freeze” all the time? These 5 tips will clean up your phone, and optimize it for the most power.
1. Install A System Optimizer
Download Easy Cache Cleaner at Google Play
This android system tool cleaner makes an easy job of maintaining only useful application cache files. By using the Easy Cache Cleaner, your smart phone will increase its performance by saving more disk space. The 5 star rating of this app has a lot to do with its great features: one-click system cache, fast scan speed, and other helpful menu items.
The best feature of this app is that you can manually kill tasks on your phone to free up memory. It also prolongs your smartphone’s battery life by killing apps you aren’t actively using. With its user-friendly notification bar this app is super easy to manage.

download Cleanmaster in the Google Play Store
This smartphone system tool cleaner boosts your phone’s performance by cleaning your cache, residual files, and app packages.  It also kills running tasks and releases RAM to boost your phone and save battery life. I personally like this app as it really increased my phone’s performance.

2.  Update your Smart Phone OS
Updating your phone’s OS regularly does a world of good in optimizing performance. Just go to the Menu Section, click Settings, select the About Phone option, click System Updates, and then click Install Now. Voila! Your smart phone will now download an updated version of your OS to increase productivity.
3. Review Your Active Widgets
A lot of smartphone users get addicted to a variety of widgets and tend to install too many of them. The problem with this is widgets make your phone perform slower than they would normally. Widgets that regularly receive information changes, like weather widgets, really slow down your phone’s performance, and drain your battery. So take stock in your widgets and uninstall the ones you don’t use on a regular basis.
weather widget

4. Erase Unnecessary, Unwanted, and Unused Apps.
Although a lot of our activities on smartphones rely on many different apps, remember that they have a fixed memory. So compiling apps that aren’t very important is going to slow down your smartphone’s performance. Make a regular practice of cleaning up your smart phone contents to keep your phone in good working condition.
 5. Root Your Smart Phone
rootingThis option is a bit technical, but it can do wonders to your smartphone. By rooting your Smartphone, you can delete previously installed applications that are both unused and unwanted. Also, after rooting your device, you can install a custom ROM which acts as a new android to your smartphone. Note: installing a custom ROM can potentially do damage to your device if it has missing features that are essential to the system.

To learn more about smartphone rooting visit the forum You can also read detailed instructions on how to root your smartphone by brand by doing a search at
Have you rooted your phone? Do you have a favorite system tools app? Please share your thoughts with us.