Friday, 5 September 2014

Mabes Polri pecat 72 polisi, 39 di antaranya kasus narkoba

Polri mencatat bukan hanya pada kasus AKBP Idha Endri Prastino dan Bripka MH Harahap saja, polisi yang tersandung kasus narkoba. Tercatat dari 2012 sampai 2014, sejumlah anggota polisi pun pernah dipecat karena kasus serupa. "Ada 317 kasus dan 72 orang di antaranya telah dilakukan Pemberhentian Tidak Hormat (PTDH). Dari 72 orang yang telah diberhentikan atau dipecat, diketahui 39 di antaranya terlibat kasus narkoba," kata Karo Penmas Polri...

How To Fix A Slow Smartphone — For Real

This is a quick tip post to help you fix an android phone which is running slow. Now I’ve got a good smartphone (an LG-P999), but run a lot of applications on it.  Even though I put most of the apps on the SD Card, my android phone still runs slow. So I tried about 10 apps in the Google Play Store to fix the problem but they didn’t help all that much. Then I figured out how to manually clean up the data in my phone and it...

5 Ways To Speed Up Your Smartphone

How many times did you use your smartphone today? 50, 75, more? We do everything on them: Text, Chat, Take Pics, Web Search, Video Chat, and more. So why do you tolerate the dreaded ”hang” or “freeze” all the time? These 5 tips will clean up your phone, and optimize it for the most power. 1. Install A System Optimizer Easy Cache Cleaner Download Easy Cache Cleaner at Google Play This android system tool cleaner makes an...