Tuesday, 16 September 2014

pria dan wanita, siapa yang lebih suka mengakses situs porno, maka jawabannya adalah wanita.

Wanita lebih sering akses situs porno dibanding pria?
Solusi - Apabila ada satu pertanyaan, dari pria dan wanita, siapa yang lebih suka mengakses situs porno, maka jawabannya adalah wanita.

Menurut sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para pakar dari Jerman mengungkapkan bahwa ternyata wanita lebih 'kecanduan' atau sering mengakses situs porno dibandingkan laki-laki.

Dikutip dari Telegraph (06/08), tentunya menjadi satu pertanyaan besar kenapa wanita yang justru menjadi 'maniak' pornografi online dibanding pria yang selama ini kaum hawa lebih terkesan tidak begitu suka untuk mencari dan mengakses situs-situs porno.

Penelitian yang mengambil sample obyek dari 102 perempuan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa separuh dari mereka memang sangat suka mengakses gambar-gambar porno yang dapat membangkitkan gairah seks mereka.

Walaupun disebutkan bahwa penelitian tersebut hanya mengambil sample dari wanita dengan usia di bawah 30 tahun, sayangnya tidak dijelaskan untuk daerah mana saja wanita-wanita yang suka akses situs porno tersebut berasal.

Karena, seperti yang banyak diketahui, setiap negara tentunya pola pikir dari setiap wanitanya juga berbeda-beda karena ada yang menganggap pornografi itu adalah hal yang sangat tabu dan terlarang.

Setara Institute: Orang Indonesia banyak buka situs porno

Setara Institute: Orang Indonesia banyak buka situs porno
Solusi - Indonesia adalah salah satu pengguna internet terbesar di Asia. Menurut data yang dipaparkan Halili Hasan dari Setara Institute, masyarakat di Yogyakarta adalah pengguna internet terbanyak di Indonesia. Dalam penggunaannya belum dimaksimalkan dengan baik.

"Dari penelitian juga, pengguna internet di Indonesia ini terbanyak mengakses situs porno. Padahal internet bisa digunakan untuk hal lainnya, misalnya edukasi," kata Halili dalam sebuah diskusi di Yogya, Sabtu (6/9) malam.

Hal senada juga disampaikan oleh pakar komunikasi sekaligus dosen Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Achmad Junaedi. Menurutnya, internet khususnya medsos malah bisa digunakan sebagai media perlawanan penggunanya.

"Tapi terlebih dahulu kita harus tuntaskan literasi dulu, nanti lama-lama pengguna internet sendiri akan bisa memfungsikan internet sebagai media perlawanan," tuturnya.

Junaedi menambahkan, terdapat lompatan literasi di Indonesia yang mengakibatkan pengguna internet saat ini dijadikan sasaran kapitalisme. Masyarakat, ujarnya, belum tuntas budaya membaca langsung lompat ke budaya visual lalu ke internet.

"Belum tuntas kita budaya baca, misalnya baca koran, baca simbol dalam teks langsung lompat ke budaya televisi. Budaya visual juga tak tuntas, loncat lagi ke internet," tambahnya.

Kondisi yang demikian membuat pengguna internet, khususnya di media sosial, reaktif ketika terjadi peristiwa tertentu. Belum tahu bagaimana detail dan dampaknya, pengguna langsung berkomentar melalui status atau kicauan Twitter.

Mantan karyawan Google ciptakan search engine khusus pornografi

Mantan karyawan Google ciptakan search engine khusus pornografi
Cis Polda jatim - Ketika di Indonesia dan beberapa negara lain di dunia sedang giat-giatnya memerangi konten pornografi di internet, ternyata ada beberapa orang mantan pegawai di Google yang justru membuka jalan untuk dapat menemukan konten-konten porno tersebut dengan mudah.

Seorang produser segala jenis hal-hal yang berbau pornografi bernama Colin Rowntree dan beberapa orang mantan programmer dari Google sengaja membuat sebuah search engine khusus yang dapat mencari konten-konten mesum di internet secara spesifik.

Dikutip dari Gizmodo (16/09), mesin pencari yang bernama Boo**go ini dapat membantu pengguna internet dalam mencari konten-konten pornografi secara langsung.

Sebenarnya, sebelum search engine ini muncul, sudah ada mesin pencari konten seks lainnya yang telah lama berkibar seperti Search***, ****MD atau juga Fad**. Bahkan Anda juga dapat menggali konten-konten tersebut di sebuah jejaring sosial yang kini telah dibeli Yahoo!.

Namun dari semua search engine yang menawarkan layanan untuk mencari konten pornografi, semua link yang diberikan mencakup segala hal termasuk konten porno yang merupakan hasil penjiplakan dan pelanggaran hak cipta.

Pendiri Boo**go ini mengatakan bahwa mesin pencarinya akan mencarikan konten-konten secara spesifik, efektif dan menyenangkan tanpa harus melanggar hak cipta.

Cis Polda Jatim : Polri Dalami Jaringan Teroris Sulteng

Polri Dalami Jaringan Teroris Sulteng

Polri Dalami Jaringan Teroris Sulteng (ilustrasi Okezone)

Cis Polda Jatim- Tiga Warga Negara Indonesia yang ditangkap di Kabupaten Parimo, Sulawesi Tengah, Sabtu 13 September 2014, masih terus menjalani pemeriksaan intensif. 

Menurut Kepala Divisi Humas Mabes Polri Irjen pol Ronny F Sompie, salah satu dari mereka ada kaitan dengan tersangka teroris yang masuk daftar pencarian orang (DPO). 

"Karenanya, yang bersangkutan dianggap menyembunyikan tersangka dan menyulitkan penyidik melakukan penangkapan," kata Ronny,  Selasa (16/9/2014).

Kemudian, pada Senin 15 September kemarin, Densus kembali mengamankan seorang terduga teroris yang diduga terkait dengan tujuh orang yang ditangkap sebelumnya. 

Setelah itu, Densus melakukan penggeledahan di sebuah kos-kosan yang diduga menjadi tempat tinggal mereka di Jalan Tangkasi, Kelurahan Birobuli Selatan, Palu Selatan, Sulteng.

Penggeledahan berawal ketika petugas Densus berhasil menangkap Ak, di kompleks Palu Plaza, Kelurahan Siranindi, Kecamatan Palu Barat. Petugas kemudian menggiring Ak ke kos-kosannya di Jalan Tangkasi.

Menurut Ronny, ketujuh orang yang sebelumnya ditangkap itu diketahui sempat keluar dari kos-kosan tersebut. "Kita terus menggali fakta-fakta itu," tandas Ronny.

Diketahui, Densus 88 Mabes Polri membekuk tujuh orang terduga teroris di Desa Marantale, Kecamatan Siniu, Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, Sulawesi Tengah. Tiga orang merupakan warga negera Indonesia, dan empat WNA Turki.

Penangkapan dilakukan di tempat yang berbeda pada Sabtu 13 September dini hari. Keempat WNA sempat mencoba kabur dengan mobil Toyota Avanza. Namun, pelariannya dapat dihentikan oleh anggota

Cis Polda Jatim : Densus Jangan Umbar Opini soal Teroris Turki

Densus Jangan Umbar Opini soal Teroris TurkiIlustrasi. Densus 88 menggelandang Abu Tholut Cs ke Rutan Mako Brimob di Depok, Jawa Barat (Dok Okezone)Cis Polda Jatim – Direktur The Community of Ideological Islamic Analyst (CIIA), Harits Abu Ulya meminta Densus 88 tidak mendramatisir penangkapan empat warga negara asing asal Turki di Kecamatan Parigi Utara, Kabupaten Parimo, Sulteng. 
Belum tentu mereka merupakan anggota kelompok teroris seperti yang dituduhkan. “Polri tidak perlu umbar opini dan spekulasi, dalami saja kenapa WNA masuk Poso dan pelanggaran apa yang dilakukan oleh WNA tersebut,” tegasnya kepada Okezone di Jakarta, Minggu (14/9/2014).
Keempat warga negara Turki tersebut yaitu, A Basyit, A Bozoghlan, A Bayram dan A Zubaidan, dibekuk Densus 88 di Desa Marantale, Kecamatan Siniu, Kabupaten Parigi Moutong pada Sabtu dini hari lantaran kabur menggunakan mobil Avanza saat dihentikan polisi.
Sementara tiga WNI yang menjemput mereka dari Makassar yaitu, Saipul Prianta (30), Yudi Candra (28), dan Moh Irfan (21) berhasil disergap saat razia yang dilakukan aparat di depan Mapolres Parigi Moutong.
Oleh Mabes Polri Saipul yang berprofesi sebagai guru dituding menyembunyikan buronan kasus teroris, Mukhtar. Melalui Mukhtar inilah diduga para warga asing tersebut akan dibawa ke Poso untuk bergabung dengan kelompok Santoso.
Analisa berbeda disampaikan Harits Abu Ulya. Menurut dia argumentasi Densus 88 menduga empat orang asing ini sebagai anggota jaringan teroris terlalu prematur.
“Kenapa WNA dikaitkan "teroris" yang mau gabung Santoso Cs, karena salah satu dari 3 orang WNI diindikasikan punya hubungan dengan orang-orang yang di-DPO kan. WNA jalan-jalan ke Tentena, Poso banyak, cuma WNA yang berwajah Arab memang rawan di curigai jika jalan-jalan ke Poso. Semua yang disampaikan oleh pihak polisi masih spekulasi dengan berdasar beberpa indikasi, misal saat ada pencegatan justru mereka menghindar dan lari,” ulasnya.
Harits justru curiga ada motif lain dibalik penangkapan empat warga asing bersama tiga WNI di atas. Salah satunya untuk membuat opini seolah-olah jaringan teroris Indonesia sudah terhubunga dengan teroris internasional.
“WNA mau gabung Santoso menurut saya itu kurang kerjaan, meraka tidak paham medan jihad. Makanya aneh menurut saya WNA datang dengan kepentingan diwilayah yang mereka tidak paham. Bisa jadi ini pancingan dan jebakan untuk mereka, kepentingannya utnuk membuat cerita lebih serius kelompok teroris lokal terhubung dengan jaringan luar negeri atau global,” ulasnya.
Kini keempat terduga teroris asal Turki sudah dibawa ke Jakarta. Mereka akan diperiksa selama 7 x 24 jam. Sementara tiga WNI yang ikut ditangkap karena menjemput mereka masih ditahan di Sulteng.

Anggota ISIS Tertangkap di Poso Bekas Santri Tebuireng

Cis Polda Jatim, JOMBANG - Saiful Priatna alias Ipul, satu dari tiga WNI yang ditangkap di Poso, Sulawesi Tengah akibat dugaan terlibat Islamic State of Iraq and Syiria/Syam (ISIS), ternyata mantan santri Ponpes Tebuireng Jombang. Ipul dibekuk bersama dua WNI dan 4 warga Turkistan di Poso, Sabtu (13/9/2014) lalu.
Pengasuh Ponpes Tebuireng KH Salahuddin Wahid (Gus Solah) membenarkan, Ipul pernah nyantri di pesantren yang dicetuskan pendiri NU KH Hasyim Asyari tersebut sekitar tahun 2000. "Saiful belajar di sini tidak sampai tamat," kata adik kandung mantan Presiden RI Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), ini, Selasa (16/9/2014).
Disinggung perilaku keseharian Saiful selama nyantri, Gus Solah mengaku kurang tahu persis. Sebab Syaiful yang asal Sulawesi itu, hanya setahun mengenyam pendidikan di Tebuireng.
Meski mengakui Saiful pernah nyantri di Ponpes Tebuireng, Gus Solah menegaskan pesantrennya mengedepankan ajaran ahlussunnah wal jamaah. Ponpes Tebuireng, tidak pernah mengajarkan radikalisme agama.
Bahkan Gus Solah tegas menolak, faham yang mengajarkan kekerasan atas nama agama. Jika memang Saiful terlibat jaringan teroris atau ISIS, itu bukan ajaran dari Ponpes Tebuireng. "Boleh jadi terpengaruh pergaulan, selepas dari sini,” tegas Gus Solah.
Diketahui, Sabtu (13/9/2014) dini hari, Polri dan Tim Densus 88 membuntuti sebuah mobil yang berisi tujuh orang, yakni 3 WNI dan 4 WNA, terduga teroris menuju Kabupaten Poso, Sulteng. Salah satu WNI itu Saiful Priatna.
Sehari-hari, Saiful berprofesi sebagai guru honorer di sebuah Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) di Palu, Sulawesi Tengah. Saiful juga disebut-sebut terlibat menyembunyikan DPO teroris, atas nama Mukhtar alias Romi, anggota jaringan Mujahidin Indonesia Timur pimpinan Santoso.

Cis Polda Jatim :Crash


Mike Byrd
Miami-Dade Police Department
Crime Scene Investigations

In all aspects of society, the loss of a child has a great impact on everyone in our community. The sudden unexpected loss of youth and innocents can be devastating for the parents and immediate family of the child. After all aren't we brought up with the belief that our children are meant to survive us? We feel an empty void as we realize that we have been deprived of many years of unfulfilled potential.
For those of us that are assigned to investigate the sudden, unexpected, unnatural death of a child, the impact of loss can be just as strong. We are part of the community that we work. We may sometimes seem desensitized to our surroundings. We have learned to channel the energies created by these tragic events into our desire to seek the truth. It is an experience that we never truly learn to fully except.
The unexpected loss can come by many forms, but those will be other shared experiences and we seem to experience them all at some time during our careers. A growing trend seems to be by motor vehicle hit-n-run. These are incidents that are usually responded to by traffic investigation units.

Traffic Crash Investigation

What use to be commonly referred to as a traffic accident investigation is giving way to the more modern terminology of vehicle crash investigation. Most departments have assigned traffic investigative units or traffic homicide investigators. These specially trained units are given the duties of investigating serious or fatal car crashes. Their specialized training deals with accessing the structural damage to a vehicle or other items, taking measurements and drag factors to determine speed, movement, and points of collision for traffic incident reconstruction.

Crime Scene Involvement

Crime scene investigators or evidence recovery technicians are support units for department entities and other agencies. We are responsible for assisting all investigative sources when requested. Our specialization deals with physical evidence used in determining some sort of identification. Unlike the crash investigators, most crime scene investigators or evidence recovery technicians are not specifically trained in crime scene reconstruction. Our specific qualifications and training in the reconstruction process are the assured proper documentation of the scene. This allows the trained expert from the various forensic disciplines to reconstruct or duplicate the events and conditions that occurred at the crime scene. Unlike with the crash investigator, the information obtained from the evidence at a crime scene for specific reconstruction are points of impact, points of contact and points of origin.
Crash investigators are accustomed to having the vehicles present at the scene during their investigations. The crime scene investigator has been called upon to use his expertise due to the trend of hit-n-run incidents, where the vehicle is no longer present on the scene. The crime scene investigator is being asked to assist by searching, documenting and recovering the evidence that will give the information to identify and determine:
  • a driver of a vehicle
  • a vehicle to the scene of the incident
  • the victim to a vehicle
These are the common task that we perform at any other type of scene. Most of the crash investigators that we have worked with are appreciative of the assistance and are determined for a successful investigation.
In the few cases that we have been called upon to assist there are some things that the investigator will want to check. Determine that you have a legal right for the work that you are about to begin. A warrant should be obtained by the crash investigator prior to any examination.

The Examination

The vehicle should be taken to a location equipped with a hydraulic lift. The most important evidence is usually going to be found on the undercarriage of the vehicle. To properly examine the undercarriage the vehicle will need to be raised above the surface.
The groups of evidence that will be searched for, on the undercarriage of the vehicle, are transfer or trace evidence. Remember the Locard exchange principle, contact between two boundaries will result in the transferring of items. These microscopic items (hair, clothing fiber, tissue, blood) will require an intensive examination of the undercarriage to be located, documented and collected. Make sure that you involve the crash investigator. Take the time to explain the examination process and any findings. Make sure to clarify any follow ups that the crash investigator will need to complete concerning standards or exemplars that might be needed by the lab.
A very close and dear friend once passed on something to me that will always be remembered, "you owe it", "to show it", "if you know it"....

Cis Polda Jatim : Written Documentation at a Crime Scene

Written Documentation
at a Crime Scene

by Mike Byrd

Miami-Dade Police Department
Crime Scene Investigations

In an Organized step by step approach Scene Documentation is one of the stages in the proper processing of a crime scene. The final results of a properly documented crime scene is the ability of others to take our finished product to use in either reconstructing the scene or the chain of events in an incident and our court room presentation. In documenting the scene there are actually 3 functions or methods used to properly document the crime scene. Those methods consist of written notes which will ultimately be used in constructing a final report, crime scene photographs, and a diagram or sketch. Consistency between each of these functions is paramount.
Each method is important in the process of properly documenting the crime scene. The notes and reports should be done in a chronological order and should include no opinions, no analysis, or no conclusions. Just the facts!!!! The crime scene investigator or evidence recovery technician should document what he/she sees, not what he/she thinks. The final report should tell a descriptive story. A general description of the crime scene should be given just as the investigator sees it when he/she does the initial walk through of the scene.
Each department or agency has a method which they use for written documentation of the crime scene. There investigator/technician should follow his/her departments assigned procedures for written documentation. The importance of sharing information can never be over-looked. This article is intended to share ideas in the area of uniform documentation as an example of the format that is used by my department. We use a narrative section of the report divided it into 5 categories. The categories aresummary, scene (including a detailed body description if in a death investigation), processing, evidence collected, and pending.
The summary would basically give the details of how we were initiated into the investigation. For an example: " At the request of Robbery Detective J. Doe, this writer was requested to respond to assist in processing the scene of an armed robbery involving 4 unknown masked subjects. Det. J. Doe's preliminary investigation revealed that the subjects startled the victim as she returned home from shopping". For further details of this investigation refer to Det. J. Doe's report.. Our summary is brief and does not include a lot of he said, she said information.
In the scene section of the narrative we give a detailed description of the scene as it is seen upon our approach. The scene description usually includes anything that is unusual and out of place. Any weather or environment conditions are also included. Again this is a description of what we see not what we think. The Evidence observed, its location, condition, or anything remarkable about the item will be included in our scene description section. This would also correspond to any identification markers used to number or label the items of evidence. These remarks would all be consistent with any numbers, letters, or labels indicated in the photographs, or drawn into a sketch of the scene.
The processing section is for our units to describe what we did, if assistance was needed during the processing stages, who we had assisting, and what functions they did.
The evidence collection section is to organize what evidence we and others assisting were able to recover from the crime scene, where the items were recovered from, and what part of the lab the items were directed to for analysis.
The pending section would be for any known tasks that would need to be completed at a later date in the investigation.
Recently I was asked to give an opinion on the crime scene portion of a cold case investigation which had occurred more than 20 years earlier. I agreed to take a look at everything to give my interpretation of the crime scene from the work product. So the reports and pictures were ordered from the original files.
When the items came in the mail the report consisted of a one page, one paragraph narrative. The scene photographs consisted of several overall prospective of a wooded area. I could be of no assistance to my fellow college. But the experience best illustrates how important it is to properly use the tools at hand. We are brought in to assist in the beginning stages of an investigation when very limited information is known. We should realize that our work product may need to be viewed extensively by someone years from now for interpretation. The written documentation, photographs, and simple sketch need to tell the scene story. Hopefully by sharing this simple organized method it will be of some assistance to you.